Gold Nuggets may be in unlikely places, often hidden in a deep crevice just waiting to be mine(d).
James W. Marshall found gold at Sutter's Mill, California in 1848. Without social media, texting or E-mail, the California gold rush was off and running. From 1849 till 1869 California's population grew from 26,000 to 380,000. A few of the prospectors struck it rich, while many died as others returned home discouraged and broke with only a little pyrite, "fool's gold", to show for their efforts.
As believers we have available to us a mountain of "gold nuggets" waiting to be mined/mine. That mountain is known to us as First and Second Chronicles. Yes Chronicles, not Corinthians. Both are inspired writings, GOD breathed, Holy men of God wrote by His inspiration to be instructions and blessings even for us today. The books of Chronicles are neglected, at least in part, because of the long lists of difficult or unpronounceable names. Yet, as GOD'S inspired message to us, a prayerful and careful reading will reveal to us some of GOD'S gold nuggets of truth. In my study of these 65 chapters I have found at least "83 gold nuggets" and that is just the beginning. For all who are willing to become "prospectors" just dig, for the mountains of First and Second Chronicles are "Gold Laden".
I Chronicles 2:3 Er did evil in GOD'S sight and HE killed him. In I Chronicles 3:7 there was Achan who was responsible for the death of 36 soldiers and he was known as the troubler of Israel. Sin is serious and may His mercy be on any that dare to be the "troubler" in the home, the community and GOD forbid in the church that CHRIST loves and died to redeem.
In I Chronicles 4:9-10, the nugget is more positive. Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, he called upon the GOD of Israel and he was granted what he requested. We do well to remember Paul's exhortation to Thessalonian believers, "Pray without ceasing".
In I Chronicles 10:13-14 we read of the pathetic end of Israel's first king, King Saul. Tragically it says of him that he did not keep the Word of the LORD and did not inquire of the LORD. He failed to pray and disobeyed the Word of the Lord. I Samuel 15 tells us more about Saul's lust, rebellion, lies and his blaming the people for his own sin, It is just another example of the fact that no sin stands alone.
I Chronicles 11:19 tells of King David's three mighty men. Their devotion to their king was so strong that it wasn't necessary for him to give them an order, just to hear of his desire for a fresh drink of the cool waters of the well in Bethlehem was enough to motivate them to satisfy their king. For believer's today, the words in Luke 9:23 should likewise stimulate our love as we seek to please our Savior.
An extremely large gold nugget is found in I Chronicles 16:7-43 as David gives thanks while the Ark is being placed in the tabernacle. His prayer language is certainly worthy of our consideration. For example: "Oh, give thanks to the Lord... call upon His Name... sing to Him... Glory in His Holy Name... and the rest of this nugget is left for you to dig for yourself.
Note: As I continue to dig, your help will be appreciated. Join me in prospecting and tell me of the gold nuggets you discover.
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