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Sermons from this Series
Feb 9
Sunday Sermon | God Manifested His Word through Preaching
Speaker: Jaisen Thomas Scripture: Titus 1:1–4 Series: Series from Titus

Foundations of GODliness - Part 2
Aug 6, 2023 Speaker: Roy Mathews Series: Practicing GODliness

Sunday Sermon - 07/30
Jul 30, 2023 Speaker: JJ Routley Scripture: Exodus 34:6–7 Series: Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermon - 07/23
Jul 23, 2023 Speaker: Paul Good Series: Sunday Sermons

Sunday Sermon - 07/16
Jul 16, 2023 Speaker: Moheb Zakry Series: Sunday Sermons

Foundations of GODliness - Part 1
Jul 9, 2023 Speaker: Roy Mathews Series: Practicing GODliness

Sunday Sermon - 07/02
Jul 2, 2023 Speaker: Tony Myers Series: Sunday Sermons

Horton Haven Core Staff Visit
Jun 18, 2023 Speaker: Kevin King Series: Horton Haven Core Staff Visit

Sunday Sermon - 06/11
Jun 11, 2023 Speaker: Pat Warner Series: Sunday Sermons

Introduction to Series of GODliness
Jun 4, 2023 Speaker: Roy Mathews Series: Practicing GODliness

Sunday Sermon - 05/28
May 28, 2023 Speaker: Johnny Phelan Series: Sunday Sermons
Old Testament
- Genesis
- Exodus1
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua1
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi
Primary Speakers
Roy Arrowsmith
Talaat Fikry
Paul Good
Roy Mathews
Tony Myers
Johnny Phelan
Matt Phelan
Jaisen Thomas
Pat Warner
Moheb Zakry
Guest Speakers
Babu Abraham
Ed Anthony
Dave Bosworth
Pedro Bu
Sam Cherian
Samuel Dawoud
Afraim Ewida
Jon Glock
Kevin King
Johnson Kurian
Art Manning
Young Men
JJ Routley
Tom Skiles
Alex Thomas
Sam Thorpe
Tony Warner
- "In Christ"- All that we are in Christ Jesus1
- A man like Elijah - Earnest in prayer; Enduring trials1
- Abused & Neglected1
- Are you faithful to God's calling?1
- Are you Serious? Part 11
- Are you Serious? Part 21
- Are you Serious? Part 31
- Be a Light1
- Becoming Patient as we Pursue Godliness1
- Believe now before it’s too late!1
- Choose to be used by God1
- Christian Unity in Christ Jesus1
- Contentment1
- Contentment in Christ - The only remedy to covetousness1
- Dare to stand1
- Dwelling together in Unity1
- Exercise yourself toward Godliness1
- Faith of our Fathers1
- Finding Peace in the Pursuit of GODliness1
- Flee, Follow, Fight and Guard!1
- Following God’s plan1
- Four attitudes of a Disciple1
- Gilgal as our Gathering Place1
- God Manifested His Word through Preaching1
- Holiness1
- How can we all get along?1
- How to Avoid Spiritual Frostbite in 20243
- Humility1
- Important Pauses to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ1
- Instructions regarding Men and Women1
- Israel and God’s plan for redemption1
- Jesus Christ, the Way : Bearing one another's burdens1
- Jesus, The Compassionate Shepherd1
- Joy1
- Joy for a Christian1
- Kindness and Goodness1
- Love1
- Man's Wisdom vs God's Wisdom1
- Masters, Bondservants and False Preachers1
- Paul’s Ministry, an example for all Christians1
- Photo Album of the children of God1
- Praise and Challenge 20251
- Prayer, God’s design for your life1
- Qualifications and Recognition of Elders1
- So What's Unusual About The Church?1
- Spiritual and Healthy instructions to the Church1
- Spiritual battle and the full armor of God 1
- Stay on the Job1
- Submitting to Governing Authorities - Challenges & Importance1
- The Believer and the Judgement seat of Christ1
- The Church - One body in Christ that the world may know1
- The Living Faith1
- The Peace Offering and Fellowship 1
- The Power of GOD's Word in the Face of Temptation1
- The Reason for the Season1
- Training for a GODly Life1
- Walking in Love1
- Warning against the impending apostasy1
- Wash and See1
- Yielding to the leading of The Holy Spirit1